Monday, February 1, 2010

I am back!

Wooooohoooo!! I know I know it's been a while. I almost forgot I had a blog to be kept updated *my bad* My story is that.. I got married!!! On my last post I put up my invitations for some friends whose invitation messed up by the delivery service I hired. Then I went for honeymoon, and a week after that I got a three month full-time contract. Some days I got pretty pretty busy, and some day I got.. nothing to do :) I still have a month to go, but until then, here's something I did on my spare time; some studies I might say since I kind of copied them from the book.

Above is from Marcel Marlier's Martine series, I am so nothing like him. As you can see some problems showing, i.e. proportion, and also the feeling of being grounded strongly (if you know what I mean, or this is just my feeling). I put up the picture I was following, too, for comparison.

Below is a part from Disney's fairy adventure book. I changed their fairy costume, so they'd look like teenagers instead. 



uuuu... kereeeeennn...
mau donk jadi bahan materi latihannya... hihihi...

Misschen said...

thank youu :) iya nih mesti latihan yang banyak! ayuk ayuuuk!!