Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hip Hop Gang

What happen when young moms cardio-dancing together on their spare time? Quite funky to me. They want to make Bratz-looking characters representing themselves on the book they're making for this Christmas. The book is a gift for their instructor I heard.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Do Websites

Ok, that is my first one. I learned some web design in college, but never have tried it out on business until last year with my friend, Nelsen the CSS brain. Here are some works I did:

Well if you want me to work on yours, you can click on his name Nelsen for more details :)

My Parents' Jobs

As for now, I am liking this style. Gestural, simple but nice. This is one of the monthly illustration I made for a local mag. Finally I found a more suitable style for the article. Parenting article.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I love you Child

Sometimes it is hard for parents to discipline their kids, because they want to see their kids happy but they have to be hard on them for their children's good.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Reading Letter

Read your letter anywhere, at the coffee shop, your office (not done, I just can't wait to publish it :)) latter then i found out that i don't really like it. Finding a style requires lots and lots of work.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Girl in the Drawer

This is a picture of one's past. She used to play in the huge drawer. I can't wait to see the whole article coming next month, on the magazine distributed at the Treasure's Women Conference, Jakarta.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

On i-stock again

I am back to uploading vector images to , and trying to do it on a regular basis. This is one of the pieces I uploaded lately.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Princess Mom

"Thank you Mom for working all day and night long taking care of us and our home. Let me help you by playing with my sister outside." :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Approach

Inspired by Griotto's style

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bye Bye Office

3 Days to go until my period in the office is over. I got a mixed feeling about it. I'm happy because I don't have to face the traffic jam every day and night anymore, sad because I have to say good bye to my new friends. What I did so far for them was visualizing their ideas clearer through my drawings for them to present to their clients. Here are some examples: *I post the tiger already*

Designing Again for Breaking

They wanted me to do the kids' section again on the Breaking, yeay! Oh, and also the women's meeting announcement as usual :) Should I question myself.. What do I really like? Can I do drawing and designing both? I prefer drawing btw. but what I do right now is a bit of mixed.. Should I start sorting things out? Or should I do them all. I should do the right things, according to my calling.. *I'm thinking*

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!!

It's the year of Tiger :) yihaaa.. this year is my first year giving out hong bao (red pocket with money inside, given from older generation of married couple to children, and the single ones, and the grandparents) Happy tiger year, everyone! May we grow stronger, and enjoying life in a more positive way..

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Likes

Here are some artist whose works I like to look at from time to time. They have been inspiring to me. They get my hands working while keeping my hope up high.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Breaking Designs

They let me to do more design on the magazine this year, well.. it's actually our church bulletin, but it has the look of a small magazine, called Breaking, which is cool :) I got the Kids' section one page, and an event coverage on a spread page. Actually there's another one but I didn't really like it, so I decide not to put it up together. This is our January edition, the February is not out yet, so I can't put it up yet.

Partner Sketch

*boy I do weird poses when I work* This is what we did today: again, both visualizer got nothing to do for the whole day, so this time, we decided to draw each other... which giving me an idea:  maybe next week, we'll be drawing our mates in the office ( if we're not playing Tumble Bugs) It's too bad I don't have his work picture taken to be put up here. We got a different style. He has clean lines, and I got the sketchy sketchy ones, and tend to have an older looking result @_@' hmm.. let's take it as a preview on how he'd look 10 years from now :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Practise makes perfect portrait

Discipline is haaaard** I gotta do this more regularly. Here's another self portrait of me; a 25 minute. Not perfect yet, some errors on light and shades, proportions, blabla.. but I kinda like it :) or maybe just proud managing to get up in the morning and did it. Hmm hopefully that friend of mine didn't check on it since...  I told him I can do a look-a-like self portrait hwhwhwhwhwhwhw.... *run!!*

Monday, February 1, 2010

I am back!

Wooooohoooo!! I know I know it's been a while. I almost forgot I had a blog to be kept updated *my bad* My story is that.. I got married!!! On my last post I put up my invitations for some friends whose invitation messed up by the delivery service I hired. Then I went for honeymoon, and a week after that I got a three month full-time contract. Some days I got pretty pretty busy, and some day I got.. nothing to do :) I still have a month to go, but until then, here's something I did on my spare time; some studies I might say since I kind of copied them from the book.

Above is from Marcel Marlier's Martine series, I am so nothing like him. As you can see some problems showing, i.e. proportion, and also the feeling of being grounded strongly (if you know what I mean, or this is just my feeling). I put up the picture I was following, too, for comparison.

Below is a part from Disney's fairy adventure book. I changed their fairy costume, so they'd look like teenagers instead.