Thursday, September 17, 2009

Praise the Lord

Here's your ticket!! I gotta gotta learn how to differentiate drawing styles for different age range. Example here, I'm not sure if it suitable for kids age 6-12. 12 is near to teenage, huh? or is the range too far that it confused me - but honestly, I gotta have extra awareness on that issue. Anyways.. this is for my friend's sunday school kids choir concert (I did their christmas invitation last year, too). I'm looking forward to see it!! They have Amani Utupe, and some other cool songs!!

I love making colorful posters - the thing is that I have to make it work. Think of what's the main focus again, and trying not to make people puzzled instead, below is my first attempt. I feel like the colors on the children at the back (on top of the hill, i mean) is distracting us from seeing the poster title where I want the main focus be..*awh.. internet colors degrading the saturation :(*
This is after I edit the color on the kids at the back :)

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