Thursday, September 17, 2009

Praise the Lord

Here's your ticket!! I gotta gotta learn how to differentiate drawing styles for different age range. Example here, I'm not sure if it suitable for kids age 6-12. 12 is near to teenage, huh? or is the range too far that it confused me - but honestly, I gotta have extra awareness on that issue. Anyways.. this is for my friend's sunday school kids choir concert (I did their christmas invitation last year, too). I'm looking forward to see it!! They have Amani Utupe, and some other cool songs!!

I love making colorful posters - the thing is that I have to make it work. Think of what's the main focus again, and trying not to make people puzzled instead, below is my first attempt. I feel like the colors on the children at the back (on top of the hill, i mean) is distracting us from seeing the poster title where I want the main focus be..*awh.. internet colors degrading the saturation :(*
This is after I edit the color on the kids at the back :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

They Turn Out to be ... Cute

Horror, dark fairies was the idea of the project. He told me no to go with the cute stuff on these three fairies *they look like dolls to me - since he didn't want any wings. I've tried and tried, but somehow they all turned out to have that cute feeling to it. A clean character filled with light *well.. at least that's how I see them. Thank goodness he liked the rendering. I haven't heard any complaints; I haven't heard from him again, to be exact. ~ i'll bug him.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sketchbooking Again

I bought a new book and start discipline myself (again) to draw - to learn to see again :) *like Hawthorne said. Well, here's one of my self portrait. I bragged to my friends I can make a look-a-like, but never done one for them ; and now I did but didn't turn out a look-a-like one, haha.. I hope they won't find out ^_^'

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Coloring Storyboards

To color not to color.. I love colorings, I haven't done like this style before ( i mean paid ones), but I quite like it!! And trying to discipline myself to do more... Practice makes perfect! *Oh - here i only do the coloring, not the drawing :) I kinda like the drawing too actually. I found storyboards are better drawn this way than with vectors (like the one i posted some time ago).. 

Wedding Invitation

These two birds are for my wedding invitation :) I'm using the color green and pink to match the event theme. I'll put up the invitation design when it's done, ok ;)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Let's Read

My church is encouraging women to read this coming June. I suppose they'll be handing out free bookmarks. They want me to do a picture of a lady reading book. Firstly the design team asked for a head and shoulder pose, but then I made an alternative of a full figure. Here's a little part I did for them.

Monday, May 4, 2009

mural.. no mural..

I was happy about this project, then i got stressful, then i turned it down. I may say that it's a really great chance for me working for a place on one of the prestigious location in the city, but in the process I felt insecure somehow. The client couldn't make a fast decision leaving me on a very tight deadline. Hey, I thought I wasn't ready either so for the best of the two, I decided to give it up. 

I put these up so they won't be just my waste of time of my stressful couple of weeks. I have to keep in mind at all times that excellence is a journey.

"Yes we can" Campaign

The office i used to work for is having a new campaign on.. developing their staff attitude, i suppose. I dragged myself working on it at first since I don't really like the office - but that sounds so childish of me, so unprofessional - so I quickly quit it, back on track , and get it done. I then found myself enjoy working on it even it didn't turn out that cool. 

I realize that having a wrong thought is just slowing my pace, but luckily I made it on time.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ladies, ladies..

I'm glad to have a loose-flowy feeling on this piece. After I drew several times working on the bw fashion, I can see that it's true that practice makes perfect. Keep on practising everyone!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

BW Fashion

Hmm.. the last time I did a finish work was  in school. After a while, I try to do it again and again and again to work with pen and watercolor. This is for fashion article in the coming Blink. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Yes! yes! yes! This is one illustration for an article about how our positive responds can help our way to experience success. Yes?


Drink - drink - drink.. a little peep of my work in progress for i-stock ;)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Back on Board

I haven't been working on boards again for so long since the last one. Last weekend a job come, wanting a black and whites (out lines then!) They provide me with quite clean and easy sketches to follow. I started slow, then things started to speed up (you don't want to miss deadlines :P hehe..)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

From Last Christmas

Something missed from last year: a sunday school christmas invitation I did for a friend. I didn't expect him to pay me, but then his committee decided to pay though. I accepted it anyway *Hey I'm trying to make a living here :) The better pay I get is when he told me that they like the design. I like presents, just like their theme: The Best Present (Hadiah Terbaik).

Friday, January 16, 2009

Elephants Welcome You to Thailand

Here are some preview on what I am working on at the beginning of this year: Elephants for Thailand tourism rep. They're gonna be on T shirts. I am still thinking of adding some background on the mom and baby elephant pic, so it might look more "tourism" look..