Monday, November 28, 2011

Breaking November

Last month I got the chance to work on the cover for JPCC's monthly printed news. The theme given is generosity. All I can think of is that song verse saying,"... good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over...". Mine is not showing something pressed down though, I was pressing on the 'running over' part :). Lavishly. The money coins and the hearts? I thought they can bring out more color to it. Money represent something tangible we can give to others. The hearts is love requires giving. Like someone's saying: You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.

This spread is my favorite part from the kids' section on this edition, and here is where you can have a close look on the whole magazine:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Playing with Wacom

Have you checked on Inkling by Wacom?

Awesomeness..  Thank God for artsy scientists

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mr. Reid

Have I shown you some Charles Reid's? He works with watercolor and oil, too. Awesome fluidness!

Mr. Reid in action

Friday, September 16, 2011

Cover work

Currently working on a cover for children's section. This is not that 'children-y'.. :( aw, aw, aw.. then I changed the style and choice of colors. I love animals.. (ok, just the cute ones) and so I decided to add some in the frame.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Facial Expression

I need to clean these ladies a little bit, and will make more variety of expressions of her.
Shown above are: laughing with teeth shown, smiling, surprised, and not that sad/ disappointed look.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Dance, Music, Rainbow

A recycle from my old work in one of those Breaking edition. Music makes such colorful harmony like rainbow :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tree Poses

I just like adding a little noise to the image :P bzzzZZZzzzz... ok, this one is not that exciting; here's another tree pose below :) Hello tree!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Seasoning Seasons

Soon to be published, my latest web design for

Tangled in Goodness

Kids July Breaking News sneak peek (just the cover). The group heads decided to put the magazine logo for each section starting next month's edition. So, here's an example :) I honestly didn't know what to do for the cover design, and there wasn't much time left. I thought I want to fill the text "God's Goodness" with some motif or cute animal characters, but instead I found myself doing swirls over, under, around the letters. Hey, I thought, maybe I am just tangled with God's goodness, reflection of his love for me ;) * :P haha

Check the complete online magazine at
It'll be ready by July 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Done Part One

These are the three of ten watercolors I made in the past two months. The theme was about first time being a dad & what to do about it. Why it took so long? Hmm.. so many people involved ;) There's gonna be another batch for this kind (I believe they still want watercolor media) When? Hopefully all done at least in July.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

If Grace is an Ocean

Blup!blup!blup! This is my attempt for the kid's section cover on Jpcc monthly magazine for this June! I'll be sinking in the ocean of grace :D.. we're all be.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's on! It's on!

I just did a print screen on the page I did for our church magazine. It's online now! Check it out at

Friday, May 13, 2011

Their Final Decision

After 10 finished art of the modern look and the curly line look made on illustrator, they changed their mind... *sigh! But after those stressful hours working with water color, since I haven't done them (with having a nice results) before, I came up with these. So I thought, there's a good side of it: I can practice my water color skill (and still make a sell :) ).

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

July Wedding

She's all grown up and getting married in two months :D. This is going to be on the souvenir..

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Big Heads Done

Here is my attempt result for the big-heads style ( I posted the sketch before) about pregnant moms. This one is about a husband helping his wife prepare their coming baby..cute!
My client decided not to give that style a go, instead, they prefer the style below. Oh well, clients are clients, but always prepare a back up plan. Mine is to put them up on hee-hee..


Dear Parents article illustration is out this month on JPCC's Breaking Mag.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Big Heads

How to turn these characters to have big heads? :D

Like these!!! *i need a wish of luck!

I'm trying, i'm trying

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Shoes, Still Life

The process of drawing the shoes..
It's not done yet (the sock part, and.. I haven't checked the rest; and if you noticed, yes I deleted the other sock on the right side) but I just can't wait to put them up :) Can't wait until the sun is up again, and finish it. Should I draw another pair of shoes, or... maybe something like kitchen utensils?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Children Social Skills

This is on the article for parents, reminding of how interpersonal and intrapersonal skill take an important role in their kids future. Better check what intrapersonal skill really means :)

Sisters Doing Business

My long lost client came back! Ehm, the thing was... I forgot to inform her (& some others) about my new phone number since I lost the last one. *pretty lame, huh? They might be looking for me, but then they chose others because of that one slip. Anyways, she is building a new business, and she's like to include her daughters as her inspiration to be in the logo. So here is my shot.