Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Let's Read

My church is encouraging women to read this coming June. I suppose they'll be handing out free bookmarks. They want me to do a picture of a lady reading book. Firstly the design team asked for a head and shoulder pose, but then I made an alternative of a full figure. Here's a little part I did for them.

Monday, May 4, 2009

mural.. no mural..

I was happy about this project, then i got stressful, then i turned it down. I may say that it's a really great chance for me working for a place on one of the prestigious location in the city, but in the process I felt insecure somehow. The client couldn't make a fast decision leaving me on a very tight deadline. Hey, I thought I wasn't ready either so for the best of the two, I decided to give it up. 

I put these up so they won't be just my waste of time of my stressful couple of weeks. I have to keep in mind at all times that excellence is a journey.

"Yes we can" Campaign

The office i used to work for is having a new campaign on.. developing their staff attitude, i suppose. I dragged myself working on it at first since I don't really like the office - but that sounds so childish of me, so unprofessional - so I quickly quit it, back on track , and get it done. I then found myself enjoy working on it even it didn't turn out that cool. 

I realize that having a wrong thought is just slowing my pace, but luckily I made it on time.